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Personal Message

Hi dere Stalker!


If I'm never on when you are on, it's probably because I live in Narnia =3= forever alone 

(I live in the east o3o *weeps*)



I adopted a fox


Not any type of fox

A FENNEC FOX ヾ(*ヮ⌒*)ゞ

I went all the way to Africa

and robbed it

Ermm.. Adopt it

I couldn't resist ⊙ω⊙ 

It's name is [Insert Name Here]

I have no clue o(╥﹏╥)o

Jelly? Be jelly harhar


Next I'll get myself a cat

(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ


You should talk to me cuz you're missing out on my awesomeness if ya don't

P.S. In case you didn't know I'm full of awesomeness e.o so deal with it

And if ya don't talk to me I'll be trolling your wall for lyfe ;3




This roleplay is dying really fast o3o

Like me

-le dies-

Now comment and letsu talk <;

or I will find you

Believe me you don't want to be found >.>

Mood: le tired



I got these plushies from Yoobin Unnie *mehrong* >w<


"It's time to forget about the past

To wash away what happened last

Hide behind an empty face

Don't ask too much,just say

'Cause this is just a game"

It's a beautiful lie

It's a perfect denial

Such a beautiful lie to believe in

So beautiful, beautiful lie makes me"

-A beautiful lie 30 seconds to mars

About Me


Ulzzang Song Ah Ri here!


Name: Song Ah Ri (아리)

Birthday: March 9, 1991
Height: 162cm 

Weight: 46kg
Roleplaying @ "The Boys" A ty Roleplay
Roleplaying as Ulzzang Song Ah Ri