Personal Message

Hope you read our story:

Ai Iro Days: 

"A new transferee meets a young superstar and became her first friend. Will she survive the school when she's getting trouble with his fangirls or worse.....falling for him?"

About Me

 A collabgroup of Kuroneko and RedAkusha. Both are writers from

Kuroneko-Burijio - chapter maker and editor

RedAkusha - betareader



Special message from Kuroneko-Burijio: Yoroshikuu, Minna! Please read our story, Ai-iro days! We're taking this author thing real seriously and I hope you enjoy it as well!! Anyways, the story is a collaboration by me and RedAkusha/Hiko-Hino: a friend of mine. together, we fell in love with HEY! SAY! JUMP. their songs were so inspiring, we had to make a story out of it. :D I ♥ my Yuri and I hope he'll ♥ me back. bwahahahah. Kidding. I put two of my stories on Hiatus so I could finish project Shoujo Jump! Ganbatte, myself! Sorry for the slow updates. Me and RedAkusha-senpai are really doing or best to make every chapters excitingly romanitic and comedic at the same time! Don't miss project Shoujo Jump!  Ja!~♥


Special message from RedAkusha. I've got nothing to say actually, but I wish you would read our story: Ai Iro Days. We made this becuse even though we are far (LOL made a mistake here) to our idols, we feel that they are close to us. Well that's all, please enjoy our story oh and by the favorite idol is Nakajima Yuto.
