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About Me

"Sei" is Japanese for Star, in a name.

"Byeol" is the Korean word for Star.

I love Kpop, I do listen to some jpop.

I read Manga and Manhwa<333

I love other languages though I cannot speak any other than English. I wish to learn.

I am a JWalker/Bumist, a Shawol, an ELF, a Cassiopeia, a HOTTEST, a BBC, a Inspirit, a Kissme, a B2uty, and a LEDA.

I am an aspiring vocalist/rapper; I write poetry and raps.

I'm the dirtier side of an innocent child. The devil on your shoulder perhaps. I am quite childish but I'm no innocent.

My bark is absolutely worse then my bite. Because I bite my tongue so I can't bark.

I like warm comfy clothes, spring weather (rainy, but beautiful and comfortable to be in. Not swelteringly hot and not freezing cold.), and my pets. I have a few<3