Personal Message


*P A R K Y O U N G H E E*






Young Hee grew up the daughter of a pimp, and a gangster.

Her dad owned the biggest stripper managment in Seoul,

and her mother was a hardcore gangster.


Her father would try to sell her to men,

but whenever he tried, her mom would hold a gun to his head and say

"Try to sell my baby girl, and I'll blow your brains out."


She learned how to use a gun before she could walk.

She could curve a bullet before she was potty trained.

Her mother even put her in martial arts, and she became a black belt

at 12.


Once she turned 15, her parents had created a lethal


"Please! Don't hurt me!"

Saigo, her nickname, held her golden hand gun to 

the erts head. 

She was being paid $1,000 to kill this man

who her current clients daughter.

"I wasn't going to touch you, I swear!" He begged for his life,

holding his hand to his nose where she kicked him when

he tried to grab her.

"Go to hell already, for heavens sake." 

Those were the last words he evr heard before

she pulled the trigger and his blood splattered onto her.

She lowered the gun, and walked out of the dark alley.




Most people would

think she had a terrible childhood,

but she actually enjoyed it.


Unlike most girls she knew,

she couldn't be taked advantage of.

She knew how to defend herself,

especially from the guys at school who thought she

was the iest thing.


They never knew what hit them.


*P R E S E N T L I F E*



Young Hee, who preferably likes to be called Saigo,

now lives on her own, in an apartment.

Despite all the money she makes,

she doesn't like living in big, showy houses.

She still keeps in touch with her parents, but not much.

She doesn't have much friends, and she's fine with that.


About Me





P E R S O N A L I T Y: She doesn't know how to have fun. Hopefully someone can change that. She's a tomboy, and doesn't care if people think she's a guy.She keeps to herslef, but longs to be opened up, and show her true feelings. She's actually quite loud and funny. She's hyper and fun with people she feels comfortable around.


U A L I T Y: Lesbian, unless the guy has amazing abilities.


J O B: Assasin


A G E: 19


R E L A T I O N S H I P: S I N G L E - L I K E S A F E W P E O P L E