Personal Message



When I love, I love unconditionally...

.|'|.  february 7, 1988    mblaq    model    jtune ;; mblaq .

              Running from the past.
               Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.


Changsun had a hard life as a child. Not many people know about it, because he'd rather not speak
of his horrible past. 
He grew up with his parents living a poor life, hardly surviving on scraps of food that
students threw at him during lunch. He went to school everyday, hoping to make a friend but
never did. Everyone hated him because his family was poor and couldn't participate in extra-curricular
activites. At school he had to beg for the rich kids to give him food. They made him get down on his knees
or do other inhumane tasks. Even after doing everything they said, the kids spit in the food or stomped it
into the ground. Being desperate he still accepted the food, tears rolling down his face as he walked away
from the laughing crowd of kingkas. Instead of keeping the small amount of  food to himself
he brought it home to share with his mother, but never his father. There are certain reasons why
he had never given him food. His father would constantly abuse him, making him hide the
bruises from his mother so she wouldn't find out. He would also come home at night completely
drunk throwing up everywhere showing he had eaten a ton before arriving home.  To Changsun, he wasn't a father.
He was a monster.
After living that life for a total of 8 years, his mother finally passed away from starvation and malnutrition.
Not being able to afford a proper coffin and funeral, they had to burry her themselves in their
own backyard. Then night of his mother's funeral while Changsun was sobbing quietly to himself
in his dark room, his father came in and locked the door behind him.
He sat down next to him rubbing soothing circles on his back. '

"Don't worry, everything will be fine..." his fathered whispered to him smirking.
Not knowing what to do, he kept crying into his father's shoulder. After a few minutes his father roughly 
lifted him up and threw him down on the bed. "W-What are you doing?" Changsun stuttered.
".. Now that your mother's gone... there is no one left to pleasure me, but you.." he whispered biting his earlobe.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get him off. He soon attacked his lips roughly not pulling back for air.
His father quickly removed his clothes and Changsun's clothes too. He threw him back down onto
the bed and without preparation, shoved his whole member into his unfully developed whole. Crying and bleeding,
Changsun pleaded and begged for him to stop but he only ed harder while repeatedly smacking him to make him shut up.
Once he had finally came inside of him, he punched him once again for sobbing.  
"Just shut up already, you'll never be successful, you'll never be cared for, you'll never be loved.. You're worthless."
He then left him bleeding out, alone, and still starving while he went to go get
drunk and screw some more girls.

             You can't stop me now.
If you can't accept me for who I am now, then don't accept me at all

After that horrible, unforgettable night, Changsun changed his name to Joon, hoping to start a new life. Even if he didn't like it, he constantly
sold himself to make money in order to survive on his own. After years of  ion, one of his clients offered him a deal.
If he got Joon a modeling job, then he would have to be the man's slave. Hearing how much he'd get paid,
he immediately took the offer without thinking about his consequences. After living with the man for another 8
 more years until he was 16, his master died of an overdose of pills. Having nowhere to go, he found himself
here, the western side of Seoul where his past, is a casual thing. Still keeping up with his modeling
job, he continues to take part in ion every once and a while if he needs the money.
Ever since he was younger, he was never able to love. The only person who ever 
loved him was his mother but she has been gone for a while now.
Can anyone fill the empty space that was once his heart?

You're Breathtaking.
      I swear that no matter what from the day we met I will forever be by your side

| single | looking | don't give | in love | taken

I’ll always be beside you
Until the very end
Wiping all your tears away
Being your friend and lover
I’ll smile when you smile
And feel all the pain you do
And if you cry a single tear
I promise I’ll cry too.


Happily taken by Choi Jonghyun~
You liked me, yet I was too blind and stupid to notice. I love only you and nothing will change that, and I hope we can be together for as long as we possibly can. You're the first person to return their love to me, since I haven't been able to love for many years.. Years I'd rather not remember.. Even through my hardest times you always seem to make me smile, with your sweetness and cuteness. And even when you suffered from memory loss I worked hard for you to remember everything. I was just... so scared you would have forgotten me forever.. but you did remember me, and that's all that matters. Once again, I love you so much.

Changjo-yah.. Please don't leave me.


Always by your side.
Friendships make us stronger.

| Changjo | Taemin | Chi Hoon | Jinki | Yoonjo | Seunghyun | Nana | Junsu |



profile credit



About Me

Joon's House


Living Room:

Master Bedroom:

Master Restroom:



Minji's Room:

Changjo's Kitten: JanDi



-I really love writing paragraph responses but please... PLEASE do not start god-moding.. I hate that soooo much....

-The length of my response depends on your post. If I write a long as post and you respond with a one liner, I probably won't respond. Sometimes I write one-liners, but that's only when I have absolutely no idea what to write next.

Other than that, I'll love you forever kekeke.



Sinner at Sin Sanctuary