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Personal Message

I'm here to assist with the best of my abilities - though I make no promisses to the broken hearted. 

Background story: 

Onew grew up in a normal home. Or at least he thought it was normal. His mother was a child of nature and she taught him how to play and manipulate the elements. Alchemy was her specialty, which is what she taught him in secret from his Father. She never told her husband that she was a witch, because he had turned into a witch hunter after his brother was kidnapped and sacrificed by a group of witches. She made Kyuhyun promise to never reveal this abilitiy to his father, for she feared he would kill them both. 

Kyuhyun did well to study vigorously at the art of Alchemy and manipulation of the elements and other magical spells. He also did his best to keep it a secret, only speaking to his mother about these things. It also brought him closer to her - and created a bond between them that he thought was impossible to break. 

Unfortunately it was a bond that could only be broken by permanent separation - death. One night, when Kyuhyun was about 10 yrs or so, he looked through his mother's personal library of magical books to practice with. He found a book of dark magic, and although she forbade him to practice such kinds, he grew curious and began a summoning spell. A hideous demon came out from the midst of the darkness and attacked him. He screamed and hollered trying to fight against the demon. His mother rushed in and saw what her son had done. She quickly casted a spell to banish the monster away, then ran to her boy and held him tight, singing softly to him a tune that always had soothed him. "Everything will be alright araso?" Were the last words he heard from her, as his father stood in the hallway, shocked and angered by what he witnessed. He stormed over to Kyuhyun's mother and pulled her by the hair and dragged outside. Kyuhyun ran towards her in tears despite his mother's protest for him to stay away - and he watched in horror as his Father slit and killed her. He cried as he ran towards her dying body, as she weakly lifted her hand to caress his cheek. She tried to sing, but only choked on the blood in and closed her eyes forever. 

Kyuhyun grew angry and wanted to strike against his father with the most powerful magic he knew. But he feared that his father would kill him as well if he showed that he knew magic. So he grew up with silent hatred against his father, until he was finally old enough to leave. He still wanted to improve his skills as a wizard, so he applied SS Academy where he now tutors students. 


About Me


School Position: Tutor 

Full Name: Cho Kyu-hyun 

Age: 24 

Height: 180 cm 

Blood type:

ual Orientation: Straight - but if you think you can change him, go ahead and try hahah. 

Relationship status:  You changed my world - I thank you for that - I love you Ahreum ~ 04-03-13 

<3 Married: Nov. 13th, 2013 <3




~Hobbies: Singing, eating, training in the magic arts,  and Trolling ... hehe

Race: Wizard 


Nature element manipulation, fire, ice, wind, and lighting spells. Some dark magic (but only uses it when in desperation). 

People Important to him: (Will your name be on here?)

- His mother. I'll never forget her kindness or her gentle heart. Sometimes at night, I cry for her. 

- Yuri - My little step sister. Though we're not related by blood, I still feel that she's my true family. How I have missed her. Saranghae <3


Roleplaying As→ *Kyuhyun --> Wizard*