Personal Message


This creature is called Lee Jinki, though commonly referred to as Onew.

This thing is approximately 23 years old.

It likes to sing, film, and take pictures.

It is a film student.

It can fall in love and interact with either gender of the human species.

It loves chicken.

It is a sagittarius.

It is taken.

It is in love with the beautiful Luna.

People Who Mean the World to Me

My Best Friend Minho

My dear high school friend. Oh how I hope you're not getting yourself into trouble again...


My Little Sister YooYoung

Thank you for being the little sister I always wanted! Remember to never stop smiling!


My Favorite Musician Ricky

The most talented guy in the entire world right here. I think of you as a little brother Ricky. I'll always take care of you.


My Actress Nana

A sweet actress who I also want to take care of. She has so much potential! Keep doing your best, Nana, and I will support you!




About Me

    Lee Jinki, in nearly every sense of the term, is a normal, accomplished guy. He graduated from an IT high school at the top of his class, is always respectful toward his elders, and is persuing a degree in flimmaking. To make extra money, he sings occasionally, mainly for back-up choirs and other vocals for bands who can't hire professionals. He isn't fond of his real name in the slightest, and likes to be called Onew. He's very open-minded, loves chicken, and was dubbed as having the "Onew Condition" by his friends. He's very awkward at times and tries to be funny to no avail. Though there are some funny things he is capable of, such as his duck noise.

    Jinki, or Onew, has a fear of holding or getting near children. After dropping and hurting a puppy when he was a little kid, in edition to the tragedy that happened between his parents and his would-be little brother, he never wants to touch little kids. He likes the idea of getting married later in life, though the kids part is up in the air.

   His main ambition is to make people smile. During his high school years, he was bullied, but refused to tell anyone about it. He figured it would only make people worry, and he didn't want that. So from the day of his gradutation from high school forward, he vowed to make everyone smile, even if it meant sacrificing something of his own for them. The only time he truly opposed the wishes of someone was when he abandoned his parents plans for him to become an accountant and went into film instead. Even then, his creations never failed to make them happy.

Mood: Skipping through the fields of euphoria

Music: I Love You by 2NE1

Food: Chicken Pad Thai

Current thoughts: Her eyes put even the brightest stars to absolute shame...


