Personal Message

I'm Lex and I think I have a problem. I'm addicted to the internet and apparently reading and writing fanfiction about kpop idols.

About Me

-Extremely EXO biased. Throw in some Infinte, BTS, Vixx, SNSD and we have a deal.
-Other stans basically include a majority of the kpop community.
But I will point out that Block B, Big Bang, and Wonder Girls should be with the first bullet.
-Other groups with a bias' inclute: Super Junior, DB5K,  DMTN, f
(x), Teen Top, b.a.p, Mblaq, Beast, SHINee, u-kiss, Miss A,
F.T Island and CN Blue. I also like 2pm.
I'm probably missing other kpop groups because I listen to b
asically all of them but I won't list them all.
It was a bit redundant to list all of those but hey. why not
-Am i the only one that thinks mblaq looks like mpreg?
-i have so many otps that i'll be sitting here for an hour typing them out.
usually tho my actual otps arent popular which napkins. 
-Other likes would include reading about pretty korean boys doing the do because that's cool i guess

anything else i'll add later. im lazy.