Personal Message

My story is called Heart Worth Breaking and it's a Dir En Grey story. Even though I don't see a lot of Jrockers on the site, I would like to believe that there are some and it would be great to find a home here for those seeking a Jrock fanfic community. It's fairly lengthy, so far I have 14 chapters online,19 written as a draft on a notebook, and only 3 here because I want to test the waters as they say. Each chapter is about 5-8 pages long so yeah... Lengthy lol. IF I do find enough people (one is enough lol) I'll stay. Even though there aren't a lot of Jrock fics, I would like to stick around. I mean someone has to start bringing them in ne?

About Me

Eh, you want to know about me? Well my pleasure doll face ^_^  My name is R**** but please do call me Zinni-chan. I am spanish, moody, chocolate obsessed, hyperactive, lazy, obsessed with Kakashi and shamelessly erted (I like , sue me). But don't let all these wonderful qualities scare you, I'm actually quite approachable and enjoy my share of long conversations (provided they have good topic... Namely Jrock amongst other things).

As a writer I have years of experience as a noob in Quizilla and now after reaching the age of maturity in the United States I have discovered how to make a decent story (Yaaaay) so I will be posting it here and hope that enough people will like it so that I can refer more Jrockers to this site and away from the hellhole that is QZ! As for what I read, basically anything provided it is good and well written. I don't ask for much, just to be entertained ^_^