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Personal Message


Read more: http://jalmotaesseo.tumblr.com/post/80110811595/so-someone-brought-this-to-my-attention-fanfic

My fanfics may or may not be up to your expectations, they might not be your favourites, they are not even on par with the other oustanding writers, but in any case, I absolutely do not want my stories to be sent to Eat Your Kimchi. This is my personal decision and I expect my subscribers to respect it.

Writing fanfiction is an outlet for me to practice my writing skills and to fulfill a side hobby of shipping my 2 favourite OTPs. I, however, do not intend to cause undue discomfort to the subjects of my stories through commentaries such as Eat Your Kimchi which is watched by some idol groups. Their uality and private lives are their counsel to keep, not to be mocked upon (highly likely given EYK's track record) although freedom of speech, thought and expression gives them the permission to do so. I just do not wish my stories to be the conduit to this rocky road down hell.

I will not hesitate to stop writing entirely, lock my stories here and focus on building up my livejournal with friend-locked entries if I discover that my stories were sent to EYK.





I love roleplaying so much that I don't post stories about it, nor do I write about it or fantasize about it. I love roleplaying advertisements just about as much as I love writing roleplays:

NONE. no. nada. nein. nee. nah. 

About Me

There is not enough BangDae in this world.

A YunJae and BangDae shipper.


March, 2014

I'm on icebluestyx.livejournal.com

I need to get my mojo back on writting ty BangDae and emo YunJae but meanwhile I will not be distracted by songs screaming to be turned into (original character-centric) fics. Nope. 

September, 2013

Hiatus - internship, catching up on newspapers and reading actual books to get back the flair for language I once had.