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Personal Message

If in heaven you don't excel, then you can always party down in hell~

About Me


ah yes hello there fellow fanfiction enthusiasts
my name is PeaceLuvActing, but feel free to call me Kawa!
you may also call me anything else you see fit, I adore nicknames.
anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you! I love making new friends so please don't be shy! 
unless you /are/ shy, then I totally understand and I'll just love you from a distance that is comfortable for you bc I want to be your friend still
you're all such wonderful individuals
everybody is so gREAT AGH
alright alright let's settle down
side note: there was a little section on the profile thing that was like "list your services" and I immediately thought they wanted me to some ?? I was wrong
side note part 2: why tf are there two boxes to introduce myself, why isn't it just one big happy box I don't understand
side note part 3, the saga continues: sorry about all the lack of punctuation and common grammar skills, I tend to neglect them when typing casually (and also for that extra idgaf flair I hope you catch when you read what I type) (maybe I just made that up but it makes me feel cool so just let me have this okay) but I promise that I use real grammar when I write!!
as far as writing goes, I really like to write comedy and slice of life stories. A lot of times I really don't mean for things to be comedic and then wHOOPS they just are, but when I really mean to be serious, then I will be.
and I guess that's it? idk what else to say so whatever 
alright spiel over (thank god amiright)
thanks for reading my mindless rambling!!
catch you on the flip side ya gosh dang cutie