Personal Message


Pandora Academy || Roleplay


     Krystal || Co-admin

About Me

Yeah, there is this new thing around called originality.

Don't steal my profile or i'll go all ninja on chu.

Jung Krystal  Soo Jung    
                                           your little sweetheart
Born as the beautiful Jung Soo Jung.
You can call me Krystal or whatever
you want. It doesn't really matter.
Bringing joy to the world since 24.10.94
A blood coursing through my veins.
I was born in San Francisco.
Kiss me at 167 cm. Would you?
Powers of Telekineses, Electric Manipulation
and Freeze Vision.
Room 104, core classes?
Geography, Calculus, Chemistry and Literature.
Electives? Survival Tactics, Agility/Gymnastics and Health.
What's stuck in my head - BoA - The Shadow
My eyecandy  You
What am I craving - Affection & happiness
My mood 
- Bored ...?
What am I thinking - ...
I'm as single as a pringle and as straight as a ruler.
y, free and single, not crushing.
I don't believe in love. Try changing that if you think you can.
If this were to happen, I want you to make the move.
My Girls; [ -- ] [ -- ] [ -- ]
My Boys; [ -- ] [ -- ] [ -- ]