Personal Message

I food!(:


About Me

Ntxhee 's Nonsense;

      → 안녕

I decided to update my "About Me" section because I was bored. >.< I want to do this in paragraph form if that doesn't bother you. Anyways, I'm a boring teen (apparently) with acne according to my brothers and sisters. I don't think so though. My friends say that I tend to a little to generous at times. I guess that part is true. In real life, I tend to come off as shy and quiet to new people. ^^ But once you get to know we more, I will turn into a very talkative and awesome person in my opinion. ;D

Yes, I do have a Facebook and Twitter, etc. The thing is I only add people I know. Sorry. ^^" Wanna know something else? My username is my middle name! O: I know! It's so shocking the emote's eyes are on the other side! Yes, I am Asian. (: Hmong more specifically. I can speak it and if I concentrate with all my powers, I know what they are saying. You might be asking yourself, what is Hmong? Well, they are a Southeastern Asian group that migrated from China because of a revolt against the government. Yes, we don't our own country. v.v It's because we rebeled in the late 1800s.


I think that's enough for now, don't you think? If you have a question, hit me up!

And thanks for enduring my nonsense. (: