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Personal Message









follow my other account @anonymous-screams


About Me

"So what gives you hope? I mean, what pushes you to keep trying?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


She kept her gaze to the night sky.


"The stars." She said. "When I was little I used to get scared of the night. I was scared that once it would go dark then we would have to stay in the dark - where bad things happened- and the sun wouldn't come back up. But my grandma explained it to me, She said 'Once the sun goes down then the stars come out. They light the way when it gets dark, and they will always be there to guide you.'"

She softly smiled before continuing, "So now I like to come out at night and admire them. They keep the sky lit up when it gets dark, and I like to think that keep even the most dispirited people hopeful."


She turned to face him. He was hesitant but she didn't expect an answer so she turned to face the door before taking a few steps.


"If you be my star, I'll be your sky." He said softly as their gazes locked.


Before neither one of them could say anything else, she stepped towards him, closing the space between them. Although he was taken aback he was the first to lean in and kiss her softly on her pink lips.


They pulled apart and she looked up at him before chuckling and leaning back in to kiss him. 



~self written <3