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Personal Message


Girls Day's Bang Bang Bang Minah imnida~~ >:3

About Me

방민아  here~ 

hey~ don't ignore me okay? ;~~; or else i will aegyo attack you~ so beware~ >w< hehehe! 

Relationship Status ;; 

☐ what is SINGLE??  ☐ what is TAKEN   o_____o??

♧Special People

OF COURSE GIRLS DAY~ i will die without them~ ;_____; i love chu sho sho sho sho sho much~ >w<  *gives hearts*

MY HANDSOME PAPA AND CUTE MAMA~~~ :333  WHEEEEE~~ they are cute right? ^u^ kekeke~ SARANGHAEYO PAPA AND MAMA~

YUUUUURIIIII UNNIE~~ <3 she is sho cute and pretty and y *states adjectives* xDD I LOVE YOU UNNIE~~ *HUGGLES*


✖ @Winter Night high RP 


✖ Night S