Personal Message


Jiyeon imnida~~

Annyeong! Jiyeon at chur service!!



nice to meet chu all~

I'm cute, funny, bubbly, awesome, boring, scary[ not ALL the time], lovely, hungry, chill, kool, nice, & shexshii.

You can talk to me anytime!!

I like to sleep, eat, act, have fun, & just live life a little. ya know?

Status: ☐ single    taken By Myungsoo 

More Info?






Name: Jiyeon Park

Birthdate: June 7th

Blood Type: AB

Height: 167cm

Weight: 46kg

Me In My Uniform:

About Me

@Winter Night high RP as T-ara's Jiyeon


Grade: 10th. Sophmore

Night S




Special List~

[More to be added~]

Myungsoo Oppa; My Boyfriend

This guy... I think I actually fell head-over-heels for him.. He was my first friend & teacher that I met. He 's sweet, caring, funny and he also likes to stalk people~ ehehe ^^ Girls~ Please don't flirt with him~ He is my one and only man~!! :3

 Oh yea.. He's the counsler..

Together since January 15th

Click~ <3


Soyu Unni; My shexshi room mate  & Bestie~

Yup~ She's the iest of them all! She's nice & sweet. I love her so much~ she's funny & an awesome person to hang out with~ Get to know her!! Hehehe~ Anyways.. Don't mess with her.. Or I keel you!! :D

Click~ <3


IU; My Bestie~


Oh my gosh~  Words can 't explain how much I love this girl. she's my other half, sister & my best friend all in one. She's smart &  beautiful & I love her until death & even after death. Don't mess with her!! I'll go and.. keel chu~~!!! RAWR! :3 Okie. Glad we got that straightened out~

Click~ <3