Personal Message

Name: Nerou Huang

Height: 163 cm

Race: Elf

Neither friend nor foe

Taken, and pregnant

Born and raised in Seoul, Nerou  was never really around nature.

She pushed away everyone that tried to get close, her heart only

breaking when she allowed them to. People always tried to

become her friend because of her beauty, but she chose to ignore

their advances and stay alone in the world. When she fended

them off, they fought back with bullying the little girl.

Her "mother" was a grotesquely mean woman, hitting

the young girl when she didn't answer her questions.

Later, when she was in her bed, Nerou would weep

silently and hope that her mother would remember the

next day why she didn't reply.

Her father was the richest man in all of Seoul, his wealth only

adding to her classmates' yearning to become her friend. He was 

always sweet and loving, but terribly afraid of his wife. Everything

she wanted, she got. Everything she didn't like disappeared.

That is, all but Nerou. She was the one thing that no

matter how much her mother hated her, she wouldn't vanish.


With the constant abuse from her "mother" and classmates,

she was driven to marring the perfect skin of her wrist with

thousands of thin white scars. At the age of 15, the young girl

found out that she wasn't like the other people in her world

in more ways than she had previously known.

Her features were different, her hair and skin was softer, her ears

longer and sharper. The girl was skilled at gardening and

didn't have sharpened canines like the other people her age.

 She was more soft and innocent, not wanting to drink blood.

Nerou questioned her father and learned that she

came from the elven side of the world. From that moment

on, the elf trusted no one, waiting until she could get

back to where she belonged.

At 16, she found a way to get to the place, but didn't go

back because her father had developed a fatal sickness.

Now she spends her time going between the worlds to take care

of her deathly-ill vampire father and being with the creatures of the forest.

But when she can, the girl writes songs that she knows she'll never

be able to sing, sitting all alone in the trees.

On her 16th birthday, Nerou got a tattoo on the back of her neck.


Being an elf, the girl is extremely agile and quick,

even more so in the water or on the forest floor.

Her powers include complete control of liquid  {that means blood bending},

speed, healing herself, and telepathy.

During the bright forest days, a female black leopard {panther} comes down

and curls up around Nerou, keeping the girl safe and warm until dusk.

If someone threatens either of them, the other will come to the rescue. During

the day, she typically sleeps lightly, springing into action if she

hears any somewhat threatening noise.

Her diet consists mainly of roots and berries,

occasionally drinking soda when she's in the

vampire world.

She doesn't necessarily hate the vampires.

The only ones that she feels that way about are the vamps

that had tortured her as a child and young teen

because of her disability.

That's right, a disability in an extremely agile and intelligent elf.

She is mute. She can't speak. Nerou can understand

what you say and respond in a way, but not through vocals.

In a fight, whether it's a full on war battle or just a small

scuffle, you better run. With complete silence of movement and

vocals, you never know exactly where she is until it's too late. 

Her weapons of choice are: 

bow and arrow, hira-shuriken, and kunai.


Unsure of uality, due to her inability to easily communicate and general isolation,

Nerou has never been kissed, let alone had her ity taken.


Will you be the one to take this beauty's flower?


Get to know her first and you'll find out.




Nerou's first kiss was: Kris Wu, the y- vamp that took her ity less than a day later

Nerou was recently by one of her father's enemies, who then went and killed her parents.

Nerou has now found out she is with child, but it's not her boyfriend's. 

Nerou is finally learning to get close to people, especially ones that are willing to take her home

Even if you get close enough to have with her, don't expect her to begin to have feelings for you

Unless you're truly special to her and you promise to never let her go in any way shape or form

Nerou recently got an operation, just after her parents were killed and before her breakup with Kris, and it messed with the part of her brain that made her unable to speak. Now she can speak, sing, scream, moan, whimper, etc... with actual noise coming out of .

[Her singing voice sounds like Lady Nogrady in the BOTDF song Dark Dreams.]

You see this pendant?

It was given to Nerou by her father.

All vampires know it and not to attack if they see it around the young elf's neck.

Or they'll have to deal with the richest vampire in all of Korea and his resources.

Nerou had her heart broken by Kris Wu when he asked the elf to have Sooji erase all of her memories of him.

She complied, so she had no knowledge of who Kris is/was to her.
















When this elf wants to, or has extremely strong emotions running through her mind,

her eyes turn an intense green, occasionally beginning to glow.

About Me

Important People:

Kris Wu

The y vampire that took Nerou's first kiss and "ity" within 24 hours of meeting her. He's smooth, he's strong, he's hella y, and he's gone from this elf's memory. Nerou remembers nothing about him, but Kris knows all about their time together. He is also her very first exboyfriend, and first love.


Huang Tao

This elf came to Nerou without any warning, asking questions galore to both her and her father. Soon after meeting her, Tao had an idea about why their pasts were so similar. They got a blood test done, and the result was final; they were twins.


Yu Hamin

This man is almost the exact opposite of Nerou; controls fire and he's a vampire. However, when they're together, there's a connection that could span an entire or ocean or generations. She loves him, and he loves her. There's nothing else to say, but that they're dating exclusively.




{Rule Enforcing Admin

@White Deer RPG}