Personal Message

Welcome! // notice board
Welcome to Naekeoya Entertainment! How may you be helped today? On this notice board are all the activities going on at the moment, or any current/urgent news that may be of interest. The Naekeoya Entertainment AFF Branch is currently run mainly by the Leader/Vocalist of Jumal, Seo. (See K_I_M_C_H_I on AFF). Please PM NaekeoyaEnt. if you have any questions/comments/suggestions. Let's work hard to make our dreams become reality.
Searching for Soloists+Members for a Block B Permanent Group.
Second permanent group Jumal (Weekend) set to debut soon.
For more information about currently open auditions, please visit the Naekeoya Entertainment HQ or the Youtube channel. 




About Me

What is Naekeoya entertainment?
Have you ever wished, dreamed of becoming a Kpop idol? Well, now you can. Through the internet. Naekeoya Entertainment is not your usual Entertainment Company. We're an Entertainment Company formed through Youtube. Through auditions, we pick singers to collab together. We create Kpop groups and place cover singers into these groups, creating a new side to add to Kpop. Not only do we house Kpop groups, we also have several solo artists. Our family supports each other and helps each other grow as people and singers alike. We hope to one day become a phenomenon known in the kpop community. We're home to many different types of singers from all across the globe, and welcome any new singer; and embrace our differences. We are a Kpop Collaboration Entertainment Company for both boys and girls around the world. Feel Welcome! ^.^ Please write to us which song you want us to cover. :D
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