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Personal Message

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About Me

What do boys think of me

Unique (maybe a little scene)
Your personality is more unique than others, you have a different way of doing/solving things than most. You have your own since of style, guys are attracted to your individuality.
-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. <3


What quote am I

Life quote.
Life is one of the toughest teachers because it gives you the test first then the lesson after.


What does my eyes hold

You are calm and caring....but people seem to see you as the happy excited one sometimes,
are you lying to yourself? Try letting that out from underneath your eyes, it might take you a long way, trust me.


What is my phobia

Claustrophobia- fear of enclosed spaces
 you are scared of enclosed spaces you dont like being in small rooms,crawl spaces or crowds.


My sixth sense

You're a Seer!
"A clairvoyant, prophet, oracle, or diviner"
A Seer is a person that can see the future!
People usually stick around you because you have a weird sense of what's going to happen, say in the snow, and you told someone to move, they would move, instead of laughing at you. People take you seriously when you say things. You usually dream things that come true or know who's on the phone before you pick it up!


What do people secretly think of me

You Are a Great Friend.
You are always there for your friends and they know it too!  You will have a shoulder to cry on for them and you will always be there for them to talk to. When they are happy you are happy, when they are sad they are sad youve laughed tyogether youve cried together over all you are a great friend.0167.gif


What do guys love about me

Your Personality<3
Your Personaliity Is Funny ,  Bubbly  , Sweet  And Kind,
They Love your Personality and The Guys Fall For You!
They Die To See A Sight Of You.Lucky Gurl;)<3<3


What does your name mean

   Your an amazing friend. Everyone can rely on you. Your the first person someone goes to if they have a problem, or just needs someone to lean on. You have the most beautiful style, and face. You have so many friends, but a couple good and very close ones. You understand everyone, and your uniqe. 


What Kind of person am I

You are a scene girl you like your hair perfect! and you have a slight temper in a gd way! Ha