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About Me

Hey guys!

I'm MydnightAvatar, obviously, but you can call me Myd. I joined so I could read lovely fanfiction (durrrr). I do write stories a lot of the time, but I will never let those be viewed by....anyone. Ever. At all. 

Anyway, a little bit more about myself...Well, I'm a girl, I have ADD, I own one horse, two dogs and two cats, I absolutely love animals (especially horses), I'm a complete grammar freak, and...well, I'll just...make a list.

Favorite Activities: Horseback riding, singing, dancing, art, writing, doing stuff with my older brother (which usually involves video games; go figure), and spending time on different forums. I especially like role playing, seeing as it's a way for me to get the creative writer in me out without dedicating myself to a whole book. Hehe. I also enjoy swimming, running, playing with my dogs, and going places.

Favorite Bands: SHINee (top favorite, by far!), Skillet, Skrillex, Approaching Nirvana, Coldplay, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Lights, Kutless, Switchfoot, Tenth Avenue North, Three Days Grace, Treat, and others. I also like to listen to the soundtracks of my favorite movies or TV shows. Speaking of which...

Favorite TV Shows/Anime: Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Danny Phantom, Inuyasha, Kaze no Stigma, Sword Art Online, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Phineas and Ferb, Spongebob, Wildfire, Kim Possible, and a few others. Mostly old shows, back from when I actually had cable, and anime (I'm so obsessed with anime it's not even funny). Danny Phantom, however, I will continue watching until the end of time, courtesy of the internet.

Favorite Movies: Do I have to? Oh, well, I suppose...Avatar (James Cameron, not the y movie copy of the Avatar cartoon), Gladiator, How To Train Your Dragon (sick soundtrack, too), Iron Man, Lilo and Stitch (here we go with the old Disney Movies again), Mission Impossible (all of 'em), Pirates of the Caribbean (again, all of 'em), Top Gun, and War Horse. Yes, I've watched the Twilight series, and read the books (books were better, of course), but they weren't the best I've ever watched.

Favorite Books: I mostly like series that I can get into rather than just reading one book, so...I warned you. Maximum Ride, The Hunger Games, The Inheritance Cycle, The Last Dragon Chronicles, The Lightbringer Series, The Stormlight Archive, the Warrior Cats series, and The Ranger's Apprentice series. Lots of others, of course; I've read hundreds, if not thousands, of books, but I won't bore you. 

Oh, and a few more things you should know about me: I live in America, but I'm Irish and Dutch (yes, I can do a killer Irish accent. And a dead-on Scottish accent. And British). Ehm, I'm taking Spanish, but I really want to learn Japanese (I love watching anime...and I'm actually picking up quite a bit of Japanese from it, heh). Let's see, I have mid-back length brown hair with red and blonde highlights (all natural, but the highlights really only show up in the summer), but I'm thinking of dyeing it black over the summer. My eyes are usually a steely blue color, but they turn light greenish depending on my mood and the weather, which kind of freaks out my friends. What else, what else? I love playing football (and soccer, and tennis, and basketball; I'm a sports girl!), I hate prissy girls, I broke my brother's arm twice when I was little, stabbed a guy in the thigh with a pencil 'cause he had a crush on me (I was in, like, kindergarten), and...okay, I'm just being random now.

Well, enough of that; I don't want to bore you, so I'll just stop rambling on. I think I've said it all. Did I mention that I'm a grammar freak? Yeah, that too. You could say I'm OCD as well as ADD. Isn't that a bad combination? Yes! But, I'll live; I think.

Anyway, guess I'll see you around. Well, you probably won't see me. I usually just skulk around in the shadows and read stories from there. I most likely won't be writing anything. I'm rambling again, aren't I? That's it then. Goodbye!