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Personal Message

By the way you can always give requests, sort of? If you have a group in mind, or just characters, feel free to tell me, nae? 

P.S. Be good to me. <3

About Me

So I'm not exactly the most interesting person in the world, BUT if you're interested you might like to read this? Just don't get scared, I know I'm weird, but heck, I  was born this way!

I used to be a roleplayer, but recently due too much effin drama I stopped. Yeah, I know, how unfortunate. I used to roleplay Kyuhyun, I miss being a Kyufaggot. Q_Q  Anywhore, since I don't do roleplay anymore, I decided to come back to my other most favorite thing [excluding drawing, singing, dancing, acting, reading etc. too much.] - WRITING.

Not that I'm good at it! Once you read my stories you will agree that I'm not good, but I'm in the process of learning, also I'm trying to improve my ENGRISH. I promise better stories. ^^ 

Also, dear reader, I don't bite unless you're into those stuff you can always talk to me I don't mind if it's some random topic. I'm simply a 15 year old , who is very.. social? So yeah. I'm not scary.... that much. I'm giving my all not to sound like a complete freak at the moment, but sooner or later I'm gonna crack up.

When I do - please hide. :D 

With love, your beloved  Momo~ <3