Personal Message




Gypsy from the other galaxy.

Alien specification: Half ghoul- Half titan, but has human blood type A+











"Personally, I just think rap music is the best thing out there, period. If you look at my deck in my car radio, you're always going to find a hip-hop tape; that's all I buy, that's all I live, that's all I listen to, that's all I love." -Eminem 







About Me

Let me build myself to you.



-Multi-fandome Kpop Fan.

-I am an eight years old alien (Not the fan of Alien Couple, I'm a real alien who live somewhere in cyberspace.)

-Someone who loves reading and writing, same as the others. When you see me, let's talk about books.

-I don't insult other works, so don't insult mine too, but I do appreciate comments, suggestions, and violent reactions towards the characters that I've made. :>

-I write for my own pleasure, not to impress or please you, but it's a reward for me whenever I got 1k+ reads. It really makes me happy, well every writer does. :]

-I type too much, but I don't talk too much in real life.

-Gender equality fighter.

-An advocate of change.

-Nature lover.

-Proud soloist.

-And a true day dreamer.

-I'm not smart, but I do love learning and discovering many things. More knowledge to come and thank you for reading my ideal person to be. :))

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