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Who's the hooded man in black?

  • No Minwoo
  • Jung Daehyun
  • Taeil(BLOCK B)
  • Others(comment..)

Personal Message

Ai c u tryin' to find out mor about me. Stalker ono I prefer you talking to me lol #babyimsolonelylonely 

About Me


A word to describe me would be careless. My actions not me wholly sobs. I mean this in a way that I get carried by my emotions real easy that may cause blindness to the people around me— which doesn't always mean I cause bad things to happen necessarily. So please take precaution on talking with me because  I'm literally the epitome of emotions stuffed into a 14-year old girl's body. 


Yes, I'm 14 and I write heeh. Oh please don't criticise me abou it; y'all probably started off young too. Heck, there's 11 year olds writing better than me in certain occasions pmsl. Uh the genre you'd see me write the most about would be supernatural ft. someone. I don't know why but I can't write any non-fiction orz it just feels empty for me. 


Oh! And I love love love love love anyone who could recommend me great books ; u ; for I am a bookworm who rather stick her face to novels— of any kind —rather than a textbook otl. Well that's basically me being me I guess. I can type really long when I feel like it; like now. [13/06/14 KST] 


I just need something- no, more like someone- to bring back my inspiration again. My world has turned so dull that my writing never prevails me anymore. It's all so sad really.