Personal Message

Ayo, wassup Kreeesesss? *Bows* Aria/Min Ah imnida ^^ Er...that was like...too formal xD Anyways, I ish the almighty Aria! Bow down to me, okay, Queen Moment over xD I'm awesome. Disagree? Don't =.=


About Me

I LUB LUHAN! Like seriously, have you seen his ay biceps?! So...secksy *u*Anyways...lalala. I love iceu creameu OuO Ask anyone that has ever RPed with me, I lub my iceu creameu! 

My Oppars and Noonars that I love with all my heart, but can sometimes hate when they make me angry: 
LaiTaoP Blackjack_NuEst_Love S3xy43v3r (Just don't tell her that I love her ;D) xaria2729 City_Hunter_SadRun Derpsquadfighting  iceceam1234