Personal Message



About Me





» My name is Kevin Woo. I came to Maison de Sang looking for a little bit of adventure and love. I'm really shy but I'd really like to become friends with you. Don't worry, I don't bite. I'm just a normal human«


» Blood Type || O

» Orientation || Biual

» Relationship || Crushing on Professor Teukie

» Favorite Food || Pizza 

» Favorite Song at the moment || SPY by SUJU


» Leeteuk

You feel it? I my me mine,

All the signs of love that we painted and hung up.

I can’t break away from those eyes that I’ve been drawn into.

I’m almost drowning in them now, but I don’t want to be set free.

As we are now, (as we are now), I’m going to hold you tight and close my eyes.

This is forbidden love.


» Key

Key is my best friend. He is an amazing artist. I met him on my first day here. He was sitting on a bench, drawing beautiful pictures. Curiousity got the best of me and I started to talk to him. I can trust him with absolutely anything. I know I can talk to him when I need someone.

» HyunA

We accidentally bumped into each other. She was reading a book. I was carelessly not paying attention. After we apologized to one another, we found out that we had a common interest; the book she was reading. We had a wonderful conversation about it. This accident caused us to become friends. HyunA is a very beautiful girl. Don't you dare hurt her.

» Professor Kyuhyun

I was lost as I was walking around the campus, trying to find my dorm. I looked up and saw a man that looked like he might be able to show me where to go. He turned out to be the head professor here at Maison de Sang. He was very kind and patient as I asked him many questions. I'm suprised his head didn't explode from them. I really enjoy being around him. He is someone I look up to dearly.

HD | CAP | Spy MV

» Professor Leeteuk

I had my headphones in, blocking out the noises from the rest of the world. He was drinking a cup of blood walking in my direction. Not paying attention, we bumped into each other, spilling the blood all over me. He gently helped me up and gave me a pair of his clothes. We went to his classroom and he soon became my mentor. My teacher. My professor. My lover. I....I love him.

» Want to be a part of my special list? Talk to me and let's make wonderful memories together.

   layout credit   



Roleplaying as Kevin Woo from UKISS as a Human @ Maison de Sang