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Personal Message

☁  Secretly, whether we'll show you or not.

Mysteriously, whether you'll know or not.
You'll fall for it, baby
You'll know when you see.

But I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to.


-Michael Jackson <3



About Me


♩ Fashion fades, only style remains the same.  

ღ  Call me Hyosung, baby face of Secret.

I've been searching for love, but in all the wrong places.

Smiling is my forte, but so is other things ;)

  God gave me life on the month of October 13th , 1988. 

Libra baby.

ღ I'm Secret's Leader, Vocal, and Dancer.


ღ The feeling of being loved, is hard to find. Making friends, well, that comes naturally.


Swagga' 100 %

About me, kinda. 

I'm crazy. 

Never lie to me. 

Don't hurt me.

Love me, for me. 

Smile, and I'll smile back.

Come at me the wrong way, I'll do the same. I'm a human, don't treat me differently. I hurt easily, I shed tears, I dream, I hope, I party, I make love, I'm me. If you don't like me at my worse, do you think you deserve my best? If you don't like me for me, do you think you deserve me at all?

Status ; 


My crazy, girls <3







in the night sky rp 




roleplaying as the one and only, Hyosung.