Personal Message



How are you all? You can call me... Lucky or like one of my friends call me, Star. x)

Or whatever really.

Wanna be friends? I wanna be friends. Do you?

Then just click that "Add as friend" button. ;)

I add back. :D

About Me

Hello, there. :)


Want to know about me? 

You can either ask or read below.





I am an Asian girl with dark brown eyes and black hair.

Presumably short... but I try my best to grow. x)

Straight "A" Honors student that always stays up late at night just to finish her homework. D:

& the only girl in her school TOTALLY obsessed with K-POP.



If you're my friend and we're close to each other, I might call you by a certain name!

For example: (Hehehe.. Sorry, unnie~ Going to use you as an example) SS501TripleS ---> Lazy unnie~

Let's start! (Here are my friends that I know I've called them by that particular name):


Futurestar---> FutureTwin~ ||| My awesome twinnie! We met each other here, on AFF.