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Personal Message

Maknaehariiex27 && Venomilise......You guys are BUMS!!!! xD Did we have homework today???? O.o? Lmaoo. I lubb yu guyz <3

About Me


Hey, I'm Kikii and it's nice to meet you guys. First of all thanxies for all of you who read my stories. I really appreciate it. You guys are awesomeness! o(^▽^)o 

Yeah.......What do I say in the about me??? I have no idea. So um yeah...I LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!! ^.^

I love to read but only if it's interesting. I tend to knock out if I dont like what I'm reading. So if you guys want me to read 
your story then just tell me the name of your story and I'll read it. And I'll expect you to return the favor to which ever of my stories. (o^^o) 

Music is the way to READ!!!! ♪♪♪♪ I love having my laptop on blast while I read. It's so fuqkin' fun. ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪

So um I said.....FLYING KILLER SQUIRRELS ARE THE BEST!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))  

Add me!!! I love making new friends. So talk to me on my comments or something, I'll reply. x3

Chao~ (^з^)-☆ And remember to read my stories. x3