Personal Message

Heyyllloo~ Bloop. xD Please show your support for my work! I greatly appreciate every single view~

About Me

"I'm a simple bean." 

Hey guiseee! xD I don't wanna be a random mysterious girl, so allow me to pour some of my personal life on yall! Alrightie then...

I'm a kpopper! Ooooo shocker...


(Am I the only one that finds it so wierd that there are so many Exo gifs that go with everything!?!?)

My dream one day is to be a script writer in Seoul, South Korea but so far to even get a few views on my work Im stuck here which is still kinda faboulous!


I'm probably the biggest fangirl you'd all seirousness..I fangirl ALOT. Like. 10000000x a day...make that an hour.


Follow me on tumblr @ if you wanna see my awkward wierdness && follow this instagram hoe ---> @lenalyx Eeeep! I feel a sudden chill of random stalkers coming my waaay~ The things I do...Oh well! #Fearless...... #Changesmind #Scared!