Personal Message

 (*) Lee Eunji.

My name is above so, don't you dare ask me whats my name. I'm not trying to be harsh on you buts it justs true to the point where I only want you to not even ask that question. Just please call me Lee Eunji the reason why is because I don't want You to get me mixed up with Jung Eunji. I was born Dec. 14, 1994 meaning I'm only 18 still Young as You can see... I am also blood type A&B. Well thats all You need to know about me, want to know more? ask me anytime just make sure there no stupid questions to where I have to take my anger out on You and yell.. ASHDFDFDSFDFKLDSFJDSFKLDSHF, out to You cause I'll hate it. Trust me I've done before and I don't want to do it ever again.. now that I'm done with the explaining I'll end this talk with something everyone who roleplays here should know. I am Ulzzang Lee Eunji and I am roleplaying at
lee eunji ..


Her music..

I'm Still Fly, I'm Sky High and I dare anybody to try cut down my wings. I'm still Pullin out the phantom and these haters can't stand him. Nigga I'm still doin my thing, I'm still fly I'm sky high and I dare anybody to try cut down my wings. I'm still shuffin cities down everytime I come around nigga I'm still doin my thing.

Block B's ZICO - I'm Still Fly & Sky High