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Personal Message

LeeDasom "Ace



Name: Lee Dasom
Age: 21 
*Single & Not Interested
* Biual
*Skilled Assassin, Most Wanted 


September 21,1991

Lee Dasom is girl who has the worst past ever.Of course her life wasn't always like that, Her parents were rich & powerful But like everyone else they had dark deep secret. They were popular gang leaders Getting money & for whatever they needed. They pretty much Ran Korea At night. Then They had Dasom, they Wanted her to inherit the gang life so they trained her young. 


 June 5,2005                

Life was great for Dasom after that, She was well trained & was rich. People were afraid of her but that didn't bother her since she hated everyone. Then the unthinkable happened, Her parents were killed right in front of her Just when she was trying to save them. Regret has completely filled her body & she wanted to kill the man that did this to her parents. She knew that she wasn't ready for this fight so she made a plan. To Train. She wanted to become an assassin killing everyone that was involved or just simply talking about her parents killer. 

August4, 2012

11 years later you were now a trained assassin going by the name "Ace" looking for your parents killers. Dasom Killed over 300 people in a year still looking but also having her fun while doing it. her victims don't realize anything until it's was to late to fight back, and even if they could, they'd be no match for her. Of course no one could suspect her since they were so hypnotized by her beauty. She Did inherit her parents Gang Keeping it strong While spending her money on things she'll need to get for her next victim. , Drugs, & Pleasure is all she needs in her life Emotions are out of the questions.


, Clubbing, Men, Women, Drugs, Killing, Late Nights, Her parents Gang



Stupidpeople, 2faceds, Emotions, Cute Things, Her parents Killer,Rules, Not being in control,Liars 





About Me














Roleplayer @ Live and Let Die