Personal Message

Official Roleplayer at Live and Let Die Roleplay, in the role of Jung Ji-hoon (Bi Rain)

About Me

This song is a story of a true tragedy
I gave up my heart I tried to give you all of me
We've come to an ending somehow I don't know what to do
But I don't wanna forget now
I love you baby, I still love you
This is the sound of honesty
I gave up my heart I tried to be all I could be
My heart's gonna wait forever
I'm still holding on to all of our moments together
I love you baby, I still love you








"These feelings you left behind forever linger in what would've been my heart."


Name: Jung Ji-hoon

Commonly called: Rain

DOB: June 25, 1987 (yes, I know he is older IRL)

Height: Towering over all of you at 6 feet exactly

Occupation: Assassin and professional photographer

Orientation: Biual/Rainual

Status: Very single, but not looking



Have You Seen My Childhood?

Always be the best. Always be unmoved. Always be heartless.

That's what Ji-hoon was told from a young age by his father who was a famous mobster. He clearly didn't want the life of mobsters, drugs, and sin, but he found his way into it somehow. He had great potential in music with his ability to sing, dance, play piano, and write but his father had other things in mind. He was trained from the early age for five to be a mob leader like his father.

At eighteen, Ji-hoon met her. The girl who dragged him deeper into sin and darker places. He did horrible things to please her and to be with her all because of her charm. A witch some would say. One day, she slipped from his fingers and was caught cheating with another man in her bed. 

You didn't think we were seriously together did you? You're a good guy, Ji-hoon, but I like bad boys.

And that's just what he became. A bad boy. A murderer. An assassin.





You're Gone Away, But You'll Comeback Someday....

Ever since becoming an assassin, he was at first under a clan but he began rebelling and became a renegade. Now, he is constantly being sought after by the clan and has many assassins sent to kill him or bring him in to be killed. Ji-hoon manages every time to slip away or kill them. But his life is always in danger each night.

When it is daytime, he can be most often found practicing photography at his studio. He is sought after for good reasons when it comes to photography since many magazines and fashion labels request him to shoot for them. When not working, he is at his spacious home most often in his dance studio or training.



There's No Place Like Home (along with my babies <3 )

His weapon, kyoketsu shoge which is often worn around his belt loops by the chain or around his arm.

His bike, duh.