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About Me

Hi guys!

My nick name is Kyuu/Fey, real name is Caroline and I'm from Czech Republic. I'm 17 years old, born in 1997 and my birthday is 11.11. (such magical date). If you want from me to write that I'm normal girl.....hahaha..NO! I'm 4D person...I'm talkative, friendly, hyperactive, mad, funny and sensitive girl. I really don't care what others think about meh. If you don't know me, don't judge me!! I HATE IT!!


I've started listen K-POP since 2012. I started with Super Junior but I've started to be kpoper since Ferbuary of 2013. It's because B.A.P released ONE SHOT! I love them, but my ultimate groups are BTS & EXO (I am still BABY tho..). I don't have UB, bias or something like that. I'm the person who likes everyone and don't want to choose only one. (Yeah, I have someone who I like the most and from EXO it is Kyungsoo and from BTS it is Taehyung but I don't call them UB). I listen to a lot of groups in kpop (SHINee, BigBang, GOT 7, Vixx, SPEED, Block B, BTOB, TeenTop, ToppDogg, JJCC, 2PM, 2NE1, f(x), etc. ...)

What about pairings?

  • EXO

I ship everything! I love kyungsooxeveryone...hahahahaha...but without him, I love:

XiuHan, Taoris, LayChen, SeKai, SeHo, TaoHun, Kray, ing, XiuChen, BaekTao, BaekChen. ChanLu, KaiLu, ChanKai, ChanChen, TaoHo etc. ...yeah everything..

  • BTS

It is like EXO! Here I have Taehyung like the b*tch of the, without him, I love:

Namjin, YoonMin, JiKook, HoMin, JinKook, NamKook, SugaMon....heh!

  • And I love crossover and my favourite one is BaekTae, DaeBaek, DaeTae...Hyun Family!! Hihihihihihi....
  • Ofc I love others pairings (SHINee - JongHo, JongTae, MinKey, OnTae, JongKey, OnHo etc. B.A.P -  BangHim, HimUp, DaeJae, BangLo, HimDae, DaeUp, JongLo, JaeLo etc. SuJu - EunHae, TeukHyuk, HanChul, KyuMin, YeWook, KangTeuk, SiHae, SiHyuk, SiEunHae, SiChul etc., VIXX - Neo, Navi, Keo, WonTaek, HanSik, HyukBin etc. BIGBANG, GOT7, BTOB, 2PM, SPEED, FT ISLAND etc.etc.....:P)

I don't read hetero fanfictions because they are such gays (hahahaha..I am kidding but for reading they are for meh gays/bi...but in real, If they'll have GF I'll be really happy and I will wish them the best!)

I wrote something about ChanSoo, HunSoo, Kray, KaiSoo but something is deleted. Everything is in Czech but maybe sometimes I will try to translate it into English. 

And now.....this is the end! BYE!!