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Personal Message

I'm new withing the Kpop community and I am a die hard BIGBANG VIP and I LOVE G-Dragon (Kwon Ji-yong).  I just absolutely love them!!

If they were a drug they would be my favorite and only addiction.

My Ultimate Bias is Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) and he is also my bias wrecker (lol if possible).

I'm very loyal to BIGBANG and Kwon Jiyonh (G-Dragon).

I do like other Kpop artists, most are YG but there are a few random ones too.

Though I admit I am not that deep in knowledge of many as I'm still somewhat new in the Kpop genre as of 2017.

I listen to a many veriety of genres and I have no favorite genre.....Though Kpop is the highest played in my media players (well BIGBANG and  G-Dragon is anyways)

I found G-Dragon (Big Bang) shortly after one of my childhood friends (someone I considered a brother even if not by blood) was killed in a horrific car accident May 1st 2017

Without G-Dragon and BIGBANG, I think I would have subcomed to my darkness and finding them has prevented that and saved me.

I believe it was a couple of weeks after my friends death that I stumbled into the dark webs of YouTube in late night search for something to try to make me feel better but nothing proved worthy.

I seen the name and title G-Dragon - Crayon and thought OK, its music....Music and I have had a pretty good relationship now for many years (its like my favorite and perminate boyfriend without hiccups) so I clicked on it at first I was like what the hell am I watching (the good kind of What In The Hell Am I Watchin) but my eyes were so glued to the cute guy known as  G-Dragon, so I watched it and then One of a kind and Michigo.

On several feeds I seen the name BIGBANG and thought meh why not G-Dragon turned out to be BOMB so I decided to click and watch Fantastic Baby and I noticed there was a guy that looked like G-Dragon in the group, I was a little confused so I did a Google search and learned that G-Dragon is the leader, Face & Main Rapper for BIGBANG and is also a noteable solor artist as well.

I was like WOW that is a 2fer!! After Fantastic Baby I then watched Bang Bang Bang and by the time I clicked on Lets not fall in love, after that I was in love and hooked on these 5 beautiful men.

I believe that my best friend set it up for me to find them because he knew that I was lost when he passed, we were very close. 

 He was always there when I needed "my brother", we had been through hell and back together and he was with me through a bad divorce that involved an abusive marriage, I was with him through a bad marriage where his wife had a baby with another man and claimed it was his as well as all sorts of other bad things.

He and one of my other "brothers" if not for them two I would likely be dead (I'm still in contace with the other "brother" who is now in another state) and I believe that this is how it came about that I found G-Dragon and BIGBANG.

I was in a numb, very dark and empty state of mind when I found G-Dragon and BIGBANG, they are the reason I didn't give up to the nothingness that I wanted to consume my life before them.

They gave me reason to smile and not give into the empty nothingness that I felt after my best friends death.

I am still in contact with my friend who passed away's girlfriend to this day.

In honesty, I am thankful to G-Dragon and BIGBANG for saving me from the numb, dark emptiness.

They gave me my smile back and a reason for me to want to wake up each day and carry onward.

I know that in time that my friend and I will be together again in another life as we have many thus far and each life is different but we are always friends no matter what life we always manage to find each other.

Hearts Fly High E.M  <3 Family  Eternal.

About Me

I'm friendly and I enjoy making friends from all around the world.

I'm not interested in making this a "dating site", I am here to read and contrubute to the fanfics.

I'm helpful and I like to help others if I can.

I'm over 21 ( a few years)

Divorced (due to abusive marriage)

A little about me that you wouldn't know by talking to me....

I'm Wiccan, in religion only. I do not practice the crazy new found form, its old way derived from Druidism (no ual poly relationships, when I'm with someone its monogamous).

I do not threaten anyone nor do I "curse" others, I tend to be more passive and wish to use my "magik" for the purposes of better good or to help another in times of need.

For an example - I have placed and will continue to place protection around Kwon Jiyong for the duration of his militry service. 

Not because I know him (I wish), Not for any manlipultive reasons. The only reason being is that I do carry love for him (not in a creepy obsessed way) and it stems from where I came from when I found G-Dragon and BIGBANG so I feel that if I willingly send protection to him that in some way maybe I can repay him for what he has done for me unknowing that he has touched me or effected me in a way.

If I were ever to meet him and he needed someting I would do my best to help him obtain whatever it is that he was or is in need of.

With that said I would treat him as I would another individule that Id meet in a day to day setting, why? Because I think he would respect the gesture far better than me fangirling out on him. 

Lol Ive met a few bands in my time and after a while it's like yeah hey ok this is so and so...Hey, sup?

Some are more common than you'd think and are far more appreciative if you treat them like an ordanairy human being, and I believe that Kwon Ji yong is one of them that would appreciate someone respecting him enough as to treat him as a human being and not a celebrity.

I can say all sorts of "pretty" things about me as a person on here for you to read but in honesty Id really rather you IM me and get to know me for yourself that way there is no misleading "pretty" words for you to read.

I feel if you base your own opinion on me and you like what you have met from me as a person and a friendship developes then we have made steps within the universe to make friends.


Ok, so I feel I have rambled on like a crazy woman so I figure it like this lol if you'd like to know something please feel free to IM me and ask or have a chat with me I'd be happy to chatter if I am available to do some (sometimes my real world is chaotic and I don't always respond right away because I left my desk adn didn't close my browser, so it looks like I am here but if I don't respond within 5 minutes, I am really not at my desk. Please accept my apologies in advance and please know that I am not ignoring you, I promise!