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Personal Message

Hello strange person who clicked on my profile by acciedently... or not ô.O

Let me introduce... 

I'm Lele. A girl who lives in Germany and has enough time to write some crack fics which you read.

Muahaha ... just kidding

Why am I writting Fanfics?

It's because I have enough time and it's the only thing I can without making a chaos. :DD *that's so true*

Now I'm here :D

I love smiling because ... I just like it.

I am a

Baeyeol shipperin

HunHan (look at my FF)




Let us say I ship everyone with everyone in Exo except Kris because he only belong to tao.

I've read a awful Fanfiction and since then I don't like Kris very much. Don't hate me please *sorry sorry dance*

Exo are also one of my favorite kpop bands. 

I like Shinee *shine shine shine*, Block B and infintine and .... *speaking for hours*

One sentence: I like Kpop no I love it.

If you have few seconds *cough* minutes *cough*, please check my FF out <3

SeeU Lele or KpopLele

About Me