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Personal Message

My name is Tiffany. I'm 14, but I lied to AFF so I can read rated stories. LOL i'm pretty sure everyone did that. ANYWAYS. Please get to know me before you start judging me. 


-My birthday is the same days as 2NE1's Park Bom

-Languages: (Fluent)English, (Fluent)Vietnamese, (Conversational)Spanish, and (Basic)Korean. 

-I love GIFs!<3 Make me one, and I'll love you foreverr!

-I was born in 1997

-I go to school

-Loving k-pop since one year and a half ago

-First k-pop song/mv: Lies: Big Bang

-First k-pop group: Big Bang

-I do have a tumblr, and yes, I DO follow back. Ask for it(:

-I do have a Facebook, but please get to know me first before you ask.

-I do have a cell with unlimited text messaging, but get to know me before you ask.

-My favorite movie: Hello Ghost (Watch it, it may be boring at first, but the last 15 minutes made me cry so hard!) 

-First Asian Drama: Boys Before Flowers

If you want to know anything else, stay, and we can chat! I love meeting new people. 

I like writing stories, and making videos! Need a trailer? Contact me! <3 


I also 'work' in a Poster Request shop, you should come and request!! Click Here

About Me