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Personal Message

For Men who think a womens place is in the kitchen, they need to remember one thing and one thing only... That is where all the KNIVES are Kept

A Mans life is not complete untill he has done a womens work...

Women are the dominate now... watch out men...

Abortion is a womens right not the Governments...

If I was that girl; who is under 15; and got pregnant cause she went to dayton and was by a gang... I would get and abortion; the governtment cant say anything about it...

If im sitting at a table and i have a Muslam to my left, a black person infront of me, and an atheist to my right i see us all as equals.

Know matter what religion, color, race, or oriention you are if your nice to me i'll be nice to you; if cross lines i'll go ape on you.

(Im kindof ist toward men, im against republicans, and im for equal rights; Deal WITH IT!!!!!!)

About Me


Hi Im Nacarina Leena Kim (Nacie for short)
Im a highschooler who is Korean Hispanic American. I know its werid... I have Black Eyes and hair... I Have and attitude and i think everyone is equal... I believe that abortion is nessessary in some case and dont try to agrue tht with me; also with religion, sorry to say im loosing faith in it... (Damn Republicans) we all worship the same beinging; except atheists, which they are ok i know many really good atheists; but back on track, we worship the same beinging we just call him/her different names... Christ, God, Ahala, Muhaamad, Budda, and the many others... they are all the same... And if you meet me in person you will see i can be ist to men, its just me so dont judge... and my rule is know matter who you are if your nice to me im nice to you, if you piss me off i'll go off...
Idols I have met...
U-Kiss: Kevin, Kibum, and Alexander
Super Junior: Leeteuk, Donghae, Kyuhyun, Hankyung, and Siwon
MBLAC: All of them
SHINee: Taemin and Minho
SS501: Kyu Jong and Young Saeng
Hoping to meet 2NE1 and Wonder Girls when the come to America
My Pic is 2 years old... Im a senior this year... and i have shorter hair...