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Personal Message

snowdrops ❄ | aff roleplay
roleplaying as { J I Y O O N }

About Me

When Jiyoon was a child she was known as a torublemaker. At school she was the one the slept in class, started a ruckus, started the fights, flooded the bathrooms, passed notes, and even started food-fights. Oh her years as a child were so great. The best part is she wouldn't get in trouble because she had a special charm to make any adult love her with just one glance. Soon Jiyoon's troublemaking spree had come to an end.

Jiyoon was the daughter of a famous actor and a book writer. Jiyoon's father was always busy so she never got to spend time with him and Jiyoon's mother was always busy. She locked herself in her study an only came out to eat. So Jiyoon didn't really have parents. She would eat by herself and go to do stuff by herself. She loved her parents very much even though they never really paid attention to her. One day when Jiyoon was going to start Junior High her mother died. She was...murdered. Jiyoon's family had took it very hard considering that she was very kind and loveable. Jiyoon promised herself she would do better just fo her mother.

Jiyoon's life in Junior High was the worst. She was teased and bullied all the time. But something changed that. One day when Jiyoon was in the girls' bathroom crying a light came to her. A light and an outline of a woman's body. The body and light got closer to Jiyoon. As It got closer Jiyoon could see the face more. As she squinted her eyes she gasped as she saw who it was. It was her mother. Jiyoon hadn't known this but she has a gift to see the dead. Her mother had given her this when she had died.

Now currently Jiyoon works as an model and upcoming actress. She loves to sing and. Her original dream was to become and singer but had given up on that dream. She still is able to see ghosts and on occasions sees her mother. The ghosts that she sees are friendly and help her make decisions. They use to be annoying but now she just could imagine her life without them.