Personal Message

Hi. 8) No messages available at this time. 8)

Wee. 8D

About Me


Actually, this is a 2 in 1 acc. Meaning to say, 2 in 1 account. 

So, it's our first time here. And yeah, first time. So we don't really know a lot of stuffs here. 8)

Feel free to troll. It's legit.


P.S. We're both Inspirit, Hearters of IU, ELF, B2uty, Bana, Bestfriend, Andromeda, Kiss Me, BBC, and X-5 fans (wonder if they have a fan name .-.)

Okiesh, So, yeah, Hi, Subscribe, And talk-talk-talk to the comment box. 8) Don't worry, it doesn't bite. Unless.. Nvm. 8)

Wee. c: