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Personal Message

I'm not a very good writer, I'll usually first put something like a scetch I have in my mind,

and it'll change later. I'll put every 3 or 4 days a new chapter, or I'll change one.\

About Me

I'm born in Holland, and I still live in Holland, my parents were born in another country.

I started loving asian things with watching anime first.

Then I found SHINee's RingDingDong, I fell in love.

I found more Kpop, I drooled.

I started recognising Asian things and ppl around me.

Most of ppl don't understand why I like these stuff, they say that I forget my own culture, they say all the 'Chinese' people look the same, then the ask me

if I can speak Korean, I say yes, but I won't. Then they dumbly (is that even a word? xd) start saying things like: "chingchangchong hoyoyayayiii??" etc.


ANYWAYS, I love the couples YaDong, 2Min, GoJoon, Thunder and Mir  =D I read a lot of their FF's x)

I make FF's too, but I'm not that good, and I can't write much since my school is trying to own my life T__T'