


  • Getting image...

My Services

  • Reviewer

Personal Message

I made this account for one reason and one reason only

to review other fanfics ,  because the thing is .  I'm not a writter or was i ever

but i am a good reviewer , i good at reviewing other fanfics , telling them it's good or what they're missing

that kind of stuff , so i'll try to read as many fanfics as i can and try to give good review

that is unless your fanfic isn't good , to be honest if your fanfic isn't good

i will be brutal with you ,  but that's just who i am

So anyways if i reviewed your fanfic please note that i'm just trying to help

you out , my intentions aren't bad , i'll be telling you what i think and what other readers want in  a fanfic   

xD :P

About Me

I'm the kind of person that goes for what i want

for example if there is a new k-pop group that

 i wanna found out about ,  i'll go straight to it

i won't stop untill i've found out all i need to know

So basically all i'm saying is that

I'm a determind person

and i hope you can respect that about me  <3