Personal Message

So the names Leon. I'm Chinese asian and I'm here by request of my girlfriend Lily :D

Please no hate mail and forgive me if my stories !

(If I ever decide to upload any....)


I don't tend to like boy groups really... I mean, some songs are catchy. Like 2PM's Hands Up xD And I know so much about the members, only because my girlfriend is a hardcore HOTTEST. Favourite group? It would be between 2NE1 and Miss A. I also really enjoy Wonder Girl's music. Can't choose. All are badass in their own way. Probably 2ne1... if I had to choose my top one...


Scroll down and enjoy my profile! :)

About Me

My Epic Intro Profile!

[Designed by Lily, aka dancingintherain]

Name: Leon
Nickname: Sunny

Talk with me, add me as friend. Don't spam me with advertisements.

My Top Biases!


o5. Nicole [Kara]

o4. Yoobin [Wonder Girls]

o3. CL [2ne1]

o2. Jia [Miss A]

And Number 1!