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Personal Message

Ehem!!!! Ok, so this is it!!!! This is really it!!!!! I'm kinda scared....hehe?? XD first things first, I want all of you to know I'm human!!! Everything I'm gonna make Is for all or you!~ the reason??? It's because I love you!!!!! Muahhahahaha I really don't want to have those haters that ummm will despise me??? Hahha, I'm a peace lover!!! I don't like fights!! Well.... If it involves me hehehe xD Im kinda lazy now so! Hehehe I'm done!!!! Just pm me if u want to know more about me~ ayieeee~ I'm shyyyy.... Hahha that's what I think!!!!! XD ohhhh one more thing!! I have a friend here!!! You should read her stuff!!! It's good!!!! We're good~ ok I'm done~ you probably think I should stopxD maybe I won't!!xD hahha oohhh what the heck!!! I'm sleepy nighty night~. Wait!!! I just found out my friend hasn't put any of her work up!!! The horror!! But I'll just announce to all of you in my super-cool, amazing, and cute profile whenever she feels like posting it( and I know it's gonna take a long , long, long while>.<) ok I'm done.... CIAO!

About Me

Haizzzz..... Losing Internet connection is like losing your mind !!!! What the heck ?!! I'm sleepy, I'm tired, and I'm single!!! What more can go wrong!!! Okay...... I'm fighting my sleep for you people!!!! Be thankful!!!muwahahhaa joke xD y'all know I lurve you right?? xD okay here goes!! I jut wish my stalkers won't record this:))( yes people, I have imaginary stalkers!beware~) I'm a thousand year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes...... I wish T^T I really just have these black hair and black eyes...... Duh! I'm Asian~ hahhaah........ I wanna be an artist when I grow up and I wanna open my own coffee shop~ Haizzz~ such wonderful dreams..... As you all know, or not, I'M WEIRD!!!!!! That's right!!! I admit it!!! I'm proud to be weird!!! Muwahahh !!! ..........ummmm........ Ok ....... So I'll just save you all from more despair and stop my blabbering. My head really hurts right now~ ooohh right! I forgot to say I'm female !!! Hahahha ciao.....