Personal Message

An ambivert self-finder with an intrsopective mind who needs to keep assuring himself often. 

About Me

Greetings! My name is Han Jeossi but you can call me Hanjie. :) I'm not a native English speaker and still learning it. I'm turning 16 this year on 28th August (I'm getting older I know). Actually, I've been in this asianfanfics world for about three years but then I deactivated my old account and created a new one. I also interested in reading books, making graphic stuff and watching movies to name a few. I'm an avid fan of some korean bands like Day6 and Royal Pirates. To add with that, I'm a diehard fan of The Flash as well. I have a colossal dream that keeps growing bigger and bigger each days to inspire people in many ways and to make it achieved I must be prepared mentally and physically. Don't hesitate to click on that "friend-request" button and hit me up on pm.