Personal Message

Name: Choi Junhong/Jelo

Age: 15

Race: Vampire

Relationship Status: Dating Chanyeol

About me: Jelo is a very innocent boy who has never been 'touched', as a new born vampire he's not experienced much.

His fangs come out when he's hungry and when he's though he himself does not know that. Though he is innocent

he has a thing for skinship, mostly cuddling with the tendcy of him nipping at the others neck. Jelo's innocence however has led him to

not even know the meaning of ion, though once someone takes the time to teach about it he'll become quite the little addict. His

curriosity will drive him to want more from his 'teacher' and he'll , bite and let them do as they please as long as it feels good; all they

have to do is teach him and he's a quick learner.



About Me

†Roleplaying at ∆∆Hekates Island∆∆ as ~ Zelo ~†