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❝Can you hear me?















all eyes are on me

remember the name lee sungyeol »  towering over you at 180 cm » 20 years young » artist, musician, photographs as a hobby
Beneath that childish, yet hard exterior lies...


a survivor of hardship
born a native seoulite into your perfect upper midle class family, one would think that the life of lee sungyeol was void of any and all worries. you'd be wrong. as a child sungyeol fell ill. at first glance it seemed like a harmless case of strep throat. but before long his neck began to swell, every breath was a struggle, and he was on the verge of paralysis. they called it diptheria, a highly contagious disease that at one point was the number one killer of children. he was quarantined and treated immediately but his survival chances seemed slim. convinced that his brother would make it, sungyeol's younger brother; daeyeol, made sure that while sungyeol was in the hospital he wouldn't miss a thing. each day he took their grandfather's old polaroid camera a took photos of all life's small miracles and slipped them under sungyeol's door. a leaf fluttering in the wind, the sunset on the han river, the pictures were fuzzy and far from professional but they made sungyeol appreciate the beauty in life and he vowed to capture every moment of it the moment he was released.


a dreamer
his life's goal is simple; to capture the beauty of life and share it with those he loved. his method of choice: art and music. There was a time when he had dreams of fame and stardom as an actor, who hasn't? but with his time almost cut short he threw that dream to the dogs. life is too short and precious to waste half of it being molded into some half-heartedly written script and the other half regretting that you had ever agreed to it. no, lee sungyeol is a humble man, one that could do without the spotlight and share a different type of art with the world.


someone who doesn't want to be alone
a cool attitude coupled with a forever cheerful expression, that is most people's first impression of sungyeol. and let's face it: in today's day and age not many people bother to get to know each other anymore. and while sungyeol could lie and say that he couldn't care less, that couldn't be farther from the truth. there is no human being alive that doesn't crave some sort of kinship with others, he's no exception. however to sungyeol, "a picture is worth 1000 words", isn't just some old cliche; it's a very literal outlook on how life should be. he's actually a really talkative person but  much to anybody's concern - he speaks when spoken to, usually preferring to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on, but everything he does say has a reason, or it may be just a simply, random action. it may not be obvious to just anyone why he is this way or the reasoning behind his actions, but to him it's as clear as day and that is all that matters to him. most who take the time to get to know him are pleasantly surprised by what lies beneath his childishly, hard exterior. 


In my world there is only me.

⋆ eargasm : infinite - be mine

⋆ orientation : panual; love knows no gender now does it?

⋆ my heart is beating ( eyegasm ) : you. 


Those who are closer to me than you think.

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