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Personal Message


        the real diva has arrived .

      just because i'm not the only diva around here,
      doesn't mean you shouldn't pay any less attention
      to me. i probably have more fashion sense than all
      those queenkas put together, and i
'm probably just
      as y. that doesn't mean i don't have a nice side.
'll just need to work hard to find it, sweetie. okay?

 i just met you, so call me key. only my best friends can use kibum.
     give me sh!t on september 23rd. that sh!t better be designer.
          look into my eyes at one-hundred and eighty-one cm.
     my blood type is guaranteed
if you wanna capture my heart then be a guy. i'm gay.
 congrats  .   you   can   call   me   kibum  .
 { ♂ } { ♂ } { ♂ }
 { ♀ } { ♀ } { ♀ }
 nobody? hm.. that's not surprising.

 '  kay,   bye  .





 fate is laughing.