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Personal Message










 Born on May 30 , now at the age of 19.

Major in modeling / still a stundent

164.5 cm tall and is straigher than a ruler.



The Relationt.









Not looking/not sure.

Love       i  s   the      last      thing    i      ta  l  k       about..

 I only live once and don't want any time takened by this thing called love.





See Your Face Here?

You mean something to me.

(No one But Me For Now.)


About Me

The Story Behind this beauty.

Ailee was borned in the states in colorado.Sinced she lived in america she was rich and was treated like a princess her whole life. And even till' today.She could never ever! imagine her life without her money and fame. She was a model for many companies such as pandora and victoria secret. But with such jobs she still is a stundent in college in the designing fields. She hopes to make it big one day. Ailee moved to Seoul when she turned 19 and rented an appartment for herself with a dorm partner. They don't get along but they still somehow keep it from many troubles. In the big city of seoul she still studies and go to school just like what she did in america. Her parents sends her money every month and give her calls everyday just to make sure she was still breathing. Yes, ailee lived a good life. But she hates the word love. She been threw the heart bandages and operations from it. She had an heart attack when she figured her ex-boyfriend been cheating on her.She started singing just to make her heart heal since that incident. She promised not to love anyone anymore.



But not all promises were crossed.

She fell inlove again with another men after 2 years from that incident and this time it were worst. Ailee was gonna get married with that man. But she saw him kissed someone else under the christmas mistle toe. She regretted the phone calls with him everysingle night just to make there wedding possible again.  But she can't love someone who don't really love her but just says it with no feelings. That is why ailee hates people who act fake and especially backstabbers. She antis them. Thats a reason probably why she has no friends but her cousin and her brother. They are the only two persons alive that means something to her. Her parents are always busy not having anytime with ailee at all. So they don't mean much to her. 

Although her life had ups and downs she smiles and covers her tears with the help from the rain. Wishing the rain could cover her memories too. 






- Dislikes Fakers/Backstabbers.

- Likes Food/Smiles from everyone.

- Loves having cute gifts/presents.


 Forever Roleplaying At Gossip Girl As:

          } Ailee.


i need a ing life.