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Personal Message

Writing is a passion, a hobby which i adore so much. I put all my feelings and emotions in my stories so i hope you enjoy reading them! Put every effort in your talent and passion and Improve it! :) 

About Me


Part-time Author

Full-time KPOP Fangirl

Kris/Kaye whichever you prefer, i don't really like the formality of 'Author-nim" (its too formal for me). I love writing, short stories, long stories, one-shots, poem, you name it, i'll write it. I love dancing and performing, its something i really love to do and improve. Writing and Dancing/Performing are my stress-relievers. Knowing that someone loved what i have done really puts up my mood. 


KPOP PARINGS SHIPPER (If you do not like boyxboy, get out.)


That is all! and oh! visit me on wattpad for more stories/updates!