About Me


Heyy there AFF!

The name's Justine. I'm 13 and proud! I'm from the AWESOME country, the Philippines!

You're argument is invalid.

My school life is a living nightmare if I didn't have these pretty (fake) blue eyes. And my mad writing skillz! Don't forget to add my sort of angelic voice. Well, maybe I'm a smartass myself. I also cook very well. I'm also a good leader.

I'm a secretly awesome girl living in the shadows.

I've been writing stories for about two years now. I only posted one of my works in Winglin and it didn't go very well. That shouldn't stop me from being more awesome than I am! AFF is the place for me~


Random Facts People Should Know About Me!!!!!!!


1. I am a huge fan of several Asian groups. This includes...

Super Junior

Don't forget to add these two guys!



FT Island


2 PM


Big Bang

2. To me, this should go to FOOD HELL!!!

3. I find this kind of stuff amusing.

4. This is not amusing though.

5. But I still find this cute.

6. My current boyfriend.

7. He's my older brother who I absolutely love harrasing.